幾近落淚。見證奇蹟的時刻!呆笨可愛的小飛象,要是是真的就好了!From jumbo to dumbo,小飛象找到自信和勇氣的成長人生。美艷的巴黎玫瑰Eva Green可謂性感妖嬈,天資絕色!囧林爸爸真的是我的好爸爸!感覺迪士尼就算是全CG場景和動物的電影也能看得我感動滿滿!!!!小飛象的神態細節捕捉得異常細緻逼真,到位飽滿的心理描寫亦讓觀眾無不為其動容。期待一波後面的《獅子王》!結尾的確仿佛穿越到了《奇幻森林》,影片最後也完美解決了我看片途中的疑問:人類擅自分離動物母子是殘忍自私或屬無奈之舉?馴服甚至奴役動物表演的馬戲團理應存在否?
Les enfants seuls savent ce qu'ils cherchent, fit le petit prince. Ils perdent du temps pour une poupée de chiffons, et elle devient très importante, et si on la leur enlève, ils pleurent...
"Don't be scared." This line is repeated several times. A lot of audience ,however, were scared several times. A father with physical disability, as well as two kids without mother, in addition to the gloomy color from the beginning to the end, makes audience upset . Meanwhile, the director makes as many horror scenes as he can. The story is so badly adapted that it's unaccepted.Just to help Dumbo meet his mother, fires broke out which cost the carnival facilities, almost some lives.
劇情簡單無腦直白臉譜化的兒童片,小女主從長相到裝大人的面無表情都特別不討喜,而且怎麼做到把 Eva Green 這種級別的御姐女神拍這麼無趣的…再加上對科林法瑞爾那張臉一點好感都沒,本劇要找個出彩的角色真是難。感覺迪士尼近年來的真人童話重拍都是這樣不溫不火乏善可陳,不禁對獅子王寫實版擔心了起來。不過所有一切加起來居然看得還挺愉快,三星半吧。(電影院小孩全程尖叫,不知道是不是想學大象叫