「This is not a limited edition. This was an origin story the whole time.」「I don't think we are particularly evil, and we don't choose sides. We try to stop both of you. If there is one of you, the opposite of you appears; it escalates, we step in. There just can't be Gods amongst us. It's not fair. It has worked just fine for ten thousand years our way. Take consolation in the fact that you were right about your theory. Be at peace.」「I wasn't a mistake, mama. → No. You were spectacular.」
兩年前看完Split,Ricky超級激動地等待三部曲的最終集Glass,沒想到這麼弱地就結了!大概預算不夠搞不成高樓打鬥,前面畫了一個大餅,結果最後反轉了一下劇情,在停車場裡就解決了。不過的確結尾算是比較精彩的部分了。一美演技依然炸裂,可是和Split中重複太多,沒有那麼驚艷了。Bruce Willis的確老了打不動了,於是真正的打鬥也全都集中在一美身上。"The real hero is Mr Glass commenting his code under time pressure." LOL
"It's always an origin story, not a limited edition." 感覺是沙馬蘭自述一直以來的計劃。可惜就是時間太長,給新觀眾加的回憶,解釋性的戲份很讓人turn off,前半段太——無聊,還以為變成了心理驚悚片= = 困得我又葛優癱... 最期待的Paulson結果變成最失望角色= =