老套的故事,但是我被台詞的精妙所打動。尤其是那句,「that's not bravery. That's apathty.」。德普總是一副浪蕩不得志的樣子,一個成功的失敗主義者,一個不得不用英年早逝來考驗人生價值的幸運兒。好久沒有哭的如此酣暢淋漓,好久沒有這樣目不轉睛。not because of the movie, because of life.
死去何所道,托體同山阿。德普這次的角色太閃光,誰不想上他的文學課啊!【的文學課可以劃掉】這就像彌補了少年派里all of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye的遺憾,能體體面面地和一切與自己生命產生關聯的人鄭重道別,實在是人生幸事。減一星是因為狗狗做錯了什麼啊!為什麼要這麼對狗狗!
For much of it, you'll stand alone. But you've got to stand strong. Don't let a moment of it slip by. Grab it, snatch it up, make it yours. Life is a birdsong.
真的好愛這部電影!我面對死亡的觀念基本上就是這部電影裡呈現出來的樣子。Life, it's a birdsong. 把生活的每一刻都活成自己所期許的樣子,至少要盡全力去嘗試。感謝遇到這樣的文學教授,哪怕是在銀幕上。It's not gonna be easy. Never gonna be easy. For much of it, you'll stand alone but you've got to stand strong. Do not give into mediocrity. You've got one shot at this. Don't let a moment of it slip by. Grab it, snatch it up, make it yours.
約翰尼•德普十年來最好的電影,雖說劇情俗套但是氣質足夠迷人,精緻的古典主義泡在虛無的酒精里。看過那麼多描寫將死之人的電影,這是感受極深的一部了,live well and die well,不要溫和地走進那個良夜,不要不知所措的過完一生,結尾理查德開着車沖向那片田野時,我那顆混沌的心也受到了幾絲震撼。
I'm a professor, a husband, a father. At the same time, I'm myself. I say goodbye to my students, to my colleagues, to my wife, to my daughter. And then I say goodbye to myself. PS, 最後一鏡像極了一幅濃郁的油畫。
適合畢業季,那段畢業串詞很激勵人:The world needs people like you.
The world is literally dying for your kind.
Embrace that responsibility, and you run with it.
Get out there, Earn your keep, Give back
It's not gonna be easy, never gonna be easy.
for much of it, you will stand alone, but you've got to stand strong.
I beg you, do not give into mediocrity...