頂級精華的philosophy很早以前被人劇透了;次級精華的philosophy因為沒好好看所以一知半解。可能是因為期望值太高了,看完了反而覺得就那麼回事兒。You can't come back to life just because someone kisses you! That's Snow White, not EVERYBODY who dies in a movie!
藍色小藥丸是促進那個的。整個概念,在攻殼機動隊(1995) 移魂都市 Dark City (1998) 十三度凶間 The Thirteenth Floor (1999) 感官遊戲 eXistenZ (1999) 中都有類似體現,但矩陣中虛擬與現實加夢境的設計完成度最高,打電話的橋段被盜夢空間吸收, 子彈時間雖不是首創但算是把它發揚光大的鼻祖了,
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?