Full points for I personally love lily and zac, especially them work together. But gosh😟 the resident evil in the young man’s body makes me feel hopeless & heavy
真的是獻給受害者的電影嗎?分明把兇手拍成了一個無辜者。從頭至尾,除了齒痕,定罪的最大證據就是他長得像報紙刊登的兇手畫像,我不明白,兇手如果想脫罪,直接整容不是更管用,何須讀四遍《巴比龍》,為了越獄徒徒給自己加了90年刑期?且長得並不好看,不知道怎麼有那麼多女的喜歡他,難道是Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome?連環殺手就在你我身邊的概率有多大?三星給謝耳朵的出現和女主的反轉。
This was Zac Efrons best role yet. It takes us into the life of Liz and how she viewed Bundy through all the trials and media coverage. We see it from a view of Liz and every person watching the story unfold. I enjoyed the view point, the insight into the way Liz felt and processed things, and most of all how Zac Efron nailed the part.
the narration of the movie is bizarre.the few scenes of him screwing around in bars and all that have,indeed,sentence him off the record.however,this isn't a normal crime movie,its like a bipolar and Liz has by all means no good cause to make the damning phonecall j
拍得是那種乍看很厲害細想很氣的差。陣勢很大腔調很足,細節完全沒有,仿佛一個口若懸河修辭無比華麗的人跟你反覆拷問鴿子為啥那麼大。倒不是演員演得不好,但就是有着拿着劇本念白毫無靈魂的感覺。雖然挺容易看,但看完有種被欺騙的不爽。跟畫風很像的《刺殺范思哲》比簡直差太遠了。女二也太像低配妮可基德曼,女主閨蜜也太像 Lady Gaga 了吧。
我以為是台詞寫的美,結果片尾錄像帶放出來的時候,我發現,law practioners真特麼牛逼,這其中包括本可以成為優秀律師的Bundy本人。不知道這個case的人看了這個電影可能會有興趣深挖這個case,知道這個case的人看這個電影可能沒啥意思了。Again, do serial killers really deserve all the attention that they are craving for?
It's a weirdly mild and romantized angle to tell the story that is full of horror, and the significance of it being an intense legal battle and public stunt is not emphasized enough. Plus, it overlooks the voices of the victims and their families.