真的沒想到I gave you my heart原來真的就是字面意思...本來以為是治癒電影結果是致郁,明白了為啥11月上而不是聖誕節上...誰聖誕敢看這個片子噢,我只想看部甜甜的戀愛電影啊😭我真的好喜歡henry這個類型的男生噢,楊紫瓊氣質好好,喜歡她的每套戲服! (還是好喜歡倫敦啊,看到劇院海報好想去看啊...哎以為自己已經對劇院感情淡了,但事實證明我只是假裝而已)
龍母一路既往的搞笑。看着她自然的演出非常開心。 這一部電影超溫馨感人的! Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Cliché but not the Love Actually type of sweet cliché, even in terms of its thoughts about various social problems. The one thing great about it is it’s being an archive of Christmas London (Covent Garden <3
Gosh I』m just so happy they didn』t have sex cuz that would』ve been weeeeeeird.....沒猜到結局,我覺得主要是沒算好runtime。其實emilia henry和emma都很適合他們的角色,但楊紫瓊那條線不是很飽滿,徹底浪費了她的演技。這個劇本如果是emma寫的,那有點在水平線之下了。而且我到最後也沒搞懂,為啥楊紫瓊能看見tom?
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears. I'll give it to someone special丨Pathé De Kuip, 10 Nov 2019
The typical ambition and strategy trying to solve every problem (personal, social, political) once and for all, involving integral genre skills like medical sci-fi elements. 正能量就完事兒了嗷,奧力給
Another fairytale kind of storyline. Specific character with her own specific fucked up life. All changed by looking up for the angel who’s protecting her in a nonexistent way all the time. I just hate this Christmas-themed sweet and bubbly story but nothing related to our real life scenario.
萬萬沒想到,以Wham!首本名曲和我個人第二最愛聖誕歌曲Last Christmas為靈感的同名電影,居然真的就講了一個「last Christmas I gave you my heart」的故事。
Last Christmas I gave you heart, but the very next day you gave it away. Take it literally. 全片最大的twist其實很多人在看預告片的時候就猜出來了。也算聖誕主題電影裡不太一樣的,但整體還是那個套路,想把移民和brexit加進去但略顯突兀。楊紫瓊和Henry Golding沒同時出現,不然肯定跳戲。最後演出觀眾里看到Andrew還是會心一擊,For George。
和電影院裡的陌生人放肆大笑了好幾次,幾個細節也前後呼應了。有時候看看這種簡單輕鬆的片子也挺好。回家又聽了幾次Last Christmas,才發現電影和原曲歌詞Last Christmas I gave you my heart,My God I thought you were someone to rely on真的很搭。算是今年收穫的小驚喜吧。
紐約提前場首映。電影像是寫給George Michael的一封情書, to honor and celebrate the music and legacy of his. It’s not your typical romcom. There’s a big plot twist that gives the story great depth and meaning. The movie addresses themes that resonate for everyone re: race, immigration, homelessness, and the consequences of the current state of politics.
中規中矩的愛情輕喜劇兼治癒片,是約炮女王痛改前非洗心革面重新做人的故事。本片的確是《Last Christmas》的最大致敬,甚至將歌詞過度解讀了於是有了此片的「Last Christmas I gave you my heart」。雖然這個故事看起來有些老套,但是觀影時依然有不錯的笑料,這也還算及格。不過本片的劇情的確有一些話劇版《琥珀》+《小丑》的情節堆砌,女主原來換了心臟之後得了妄想症之後人生突然好起來了?如片中所言,「可愛且奇怪」。男主角就像從東南亞口香糖廣告中跑出來的一樣,讓人不斷出戲。不過本片也探討了種族問題,以及性與愛的辯證法(明顯戀愛中的女主是不一樣的),可以見得主題其實並不空洞且輕鬆,而是有一些人文關懷的。最後本片告訴我們,既然可以活着,就要積極健康地生活?大體差強人意吧。