硬核爺爺的溫情販毒之旅。到了遲暮之年回首往昔,如果說此生無悔真的太難。但如果重頭來過,你又會如何選擇呢?人生越久,一路開過的彎路越多。所謂筆直的人生大道不僅開不久,而且還會相當無聊吧。「Love me more today than yesterday?」「But not as much as tomorrow.」
可貴在沒怎麼洗白Leo Sharp,老頭是糟糕的丈夫、父親,嫖娼大酒林肯豪車,為國家頂過子彈的右派老白人讓人心情複雜。這人物是立住了,但有點曖昧的就是前一批「友善的」毒販,和老白形成某種默契和友誼的老墨們,顯得他們特正面特可愛特尊老敬老,好像「現在這批土匪真不如當年」的感覺。本該議題複雜卻全都點進了舒適區,友情分4星吧。這次Bradley Cooper 少見的不讓人討厭了。
1.想起了自己對種植花卉的興趣,然而自從兩年前因我人在外地、老媽把樓上的「小花園」清掉後,我就沒怎麼再種花了;2.他們說厄爾像Jimmy Stewart,竟然不直接說他像Clint Eastwood;3.可惜《騾子》被頒獎季無視了,拿了兩次奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演的老東木,也提名了兩次最佳男主,目前依然沒拿到影帝桂冠;4.Mary: You were the love of my life, and the pain of my life. I need you to know, it's all the world to me that you're here. -Earl: I love you, Mary. -Mary: More today than yesterday? -Earl: But not as much as tomorrow. 5.同樣是非法運輸,《過春天》里的警察感覺毫無預警、輕而易舉地就抓到犯罪團伙,而《騾子》里的警察卻話費了好多時間和精力以及警力才逮到塔塔!6.拉拉摩托隊、爆胎停車的黑人一家三口……蠻多有趣的細節。
See, what you gotta do is take more time out, like this. Enjoy life. Like I do. - Maybe. Or maybe you enjoyed the moment a little too much. Had too much fun. That's why you are working for us now.
Desperado,oh,you ain't gettin no younger
You've been out-riding fences for so long now
Oh you're a hard one ,
But I know that you've got your reasons
These things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow
Freedom,oh,freedom well that's just some people talking
Your prison is walking through this world all alone
Why don't you come to your senses
You'd better let somebody love you
Before it's too late……
"The Mule" treats its true story with just enough humor to capture the oddity of it all then arrives at a surprisingly moving climax. Life always trumps fiction. 老爺子88歲高齡依舊寶刀不老,拍出了一部compelling, entertaining, and touching masterpiece. 如果,只是說如果,for any reason這成為東木男神的息影之作,那他會為他的大銀幕生涯留下一個足夠帥氣和驕傲的句點。