Isn』t marvelous! Delicate framing and meticulously matched score! What a visual and sensual experience! Plot and script wise, love it. Witty and vivid.
Jane Austen’s Emma has more class, more good sense, more self-control, and more potential to change for the better, than this movie gives her credit for.
📍Angelika Film Center, Q&A with Anya! 前三分之一腔調太重,曖昧過分,主要靠配樂救氣氛,很多為了搞笑而搞笑的British humour,一度想走,看不下去的時候沉痛反思了我犯過的所有相同的錯誤。到一半的時候節奏有了,觀感越來越好,Anya說流鼻血那場是真的,導演不停機,一場amazing scene就這麼拍成了,當真是謀事在人成事在天。舞會的戲還是無法超越05版P&P。看到一半時平生一個怪異想法:簡奧斯汀的小說翻譯到今天就是整個小區不上班的人在談戀愛。另,Isobel配樂寫得太好了,完美串聯場次,classic and smart,聽其聲如見其人,以後整個Waller-Bridge家族都是我的心上人!