At this period the productive collaboration begins between the famous Georgian scriptwriter Rezo Gabriadze and Eldar Shengelaya, the result was comedies: 「Arachveulebrivi Gamopena」(Unusual Exhibition) and 「Sherekilebi」(The Mad). The first film is mostly tragic-comical than comic history about the sculptor, whose aspiration for highly artistic masterpieces step by step sacrificed to day-to-day compromises. From the first sight the film 「Sherekilebi」(The Eccentrics) is the grotesque fairy-tale about romanticists with the flying idea, but at this time under the warm humor is revealed the opposition of the stomach and the soul, of Philistines and Romanticists, which is actual every time and mostly in 70th years Soviet Union with its dissident movement.
艾爾達-桑傑拉亞(Eldar Shengelaya) - 父親是導演,母親是演員。1958年畢業於VGKI,同年進入莫斯科的Mosfilm片廠,在拍攝兩部影片後,轉往喬治亞的Gruzija-film片廠拍片。直到1968年的《一個離奇的展覽》開始找到自己介於鬧劇與虛幻怪誕的混合體風格。擅長融合俗套、自然、笑鬧、悲劇、尖銳嘲諷與最令人瞠目結舌的奇妙幻想。 艾爾達-桑傑拉亞的成名作。
At this period the productive collaboration begins between the famous Georgian scriptwriter Rezo Gabriadze and Eldar Shengelaya, the result was comedies: 「Arachveulebrivi Gamopena」(U...