This highly popular, light-hearted panel game, hosted by Edward Woodward and later Jon Pertwee, invited viewers to play detective every week between 1972 and 1978, pitting their wits against a team of celebrity sleuths to solve a fictitious murder mystery. The show's brilliantly original formula, devised by comedians Lance Percival and Jeremy Lloyd (and revived in the 1990s for Cluedo), presented short dramas laden with clues to be pieced together by the panellists, who would then question the characters involved and finally point the finger at the most likely suspect; lively repartee was the order of the day. Presented here is the very first series (and pilot), with distinguished contributors appropriately including archetypal TV policeman Frank Windsor (Z Cars) and Police 5 presenter Shaw Taylor, Kingsley Amis, legendary newsreader Reginald Bosanquet, Woodward's Callan co-star Russell Hunter, and real-life private eye Anne Summer. This highly popular, light-hearted panel game, hosted by Edward Woodward and later Jon Pertwee, invited viewers to play detective every week between 1972 and 1978, pitting their wits against a team...