Crazy Joe perfectly melds two cultural aspects of a fantastic seventies genre, the crime thriller. With a New York location and loads of terrific American character actors in addition to Italian direction, production and veterans of Italian poliziotti, this film stands out on many levels. Peter Boyle is chillingly effective as Joe, a power hungry Family soldier who desperately wants his own piece of the action with his brother and a small, but loyal army. He wages a war in New York to the dismay of the Capo di tutti capi and ultimately winds up in prison on a federal charge of liquor distribution. Once out, Crazy Joe plots his next move with his new partner, members of the Black Mob. What makes Crazy Joe stand out are the tons of familiar faces from movies of the era. Rip Torn, Luther Adler, Charles Cioffi, Carmine Caridi, Louis Guss, Eli Wallach, all appear in this movie. Even small roles are handled by well-known faces. Michael Gazzo (Godfather 2) plays a cook who still can't speak English despite being in NYC for years and years. Herve Villechaize of The Man With The Golden Gun and Fantasy Island fame is seen briefly as one of Joe's soldiers. There are veterans of Polizotti films (Fausto Tozzi) and Enzo the baker from the Godfather makes an appearance (Gabriele Torrei) to devastating effect.The gritty locations, bloddy violence, period music, and dialogue are all top-notch. A must for all organized crime film buffs. Crazy Joe perfectly melds two cultural aspects of a fantastic seventies genre, the crime thriller. With a New York location and loads of terrific American character actors in addition to Italian di...
98YP 1974Crazy Joe 評價Crazy Joe 演員Crazy Joe 影評Crazy Joe 電影Crazy Joe 電影時刻表Crazy Joe 線上看Crazy Joe 劇情分析Crazy Joe pttCrazy Joe 懶人包Crazy Joe 奧斯卡Crazy Joe 奧斯卡金像獎Crazy Joe 贈票Crazy Joe 男主角Crazy Joe 女主角Crazy Joe 場次Crazy Joe 金馬獎Crazy Joe 坎城Crazy Joe 影展Crazy Joe mtimeCrazy Joe 142movCrazy Joe rottentomatoesCrazy Joe atmoviesCrazy Joe imdbCrazy Joe yahooCrazy Joe doubanCrazy Joe googleCrazy Joe 線上看Crazy Joe 線上看小鴨Crazy Joe 線上看完整版Crazy Joe 小鴨Crazy Joe 小鴨影音Crazy Joe 電影線上看Crazy Joe 預告Crazy Joe 預告pttCrazy Joe 預告片Crazy Joe 台灣Crazy Joe 概念海報Crazy Joe 概念圖Crazy Joe 照片Crazy Joe 電影院Crazy Joe 劇照Crazy Joe posterCrazy Joe trailerCrazy Joe 上映Crazy Joe 上映時間Crazy Joe 分析Crazy Joe 心得Crazy Joe 片名Crazy Joe 片長Crazy Joe 台灣上映Crazy Joe 結局Crazy Joe 愛情Crazy Joe 新角色Crazy Joe 劇情Crazy Joe 劇情大綱Crazy Joe 分級Crazy Joe 片尾Crazy Joe 角色Crazy Joe 海報Crazy Joe 彩蛋Crazy Joe 彩蛋pttCrazy Joe 彩蛋片尾Crazy Joe 票房Crazy Joe 幾個彩蛋Crazy Joe 愛奇藝Crazy Joe 預售Crazy Joe 劇透Crazy Joe 爆雷Crazy Joe castCrazy Joe facebookCrazy Joe fbCrazy Joe ostCrazy Joe redditCrazy Joe 片尾曲Crazy Joe 伊莉Crazy Joe 英文片名Crazy Joe 動畫Crazy Joe 標題Crazy Joe 藍光Crazy Joe igCrazy Joe imdbCrazy Joe 桌布Crazy Joe 反派Crazy Joe 合約Crazy Joe 名言Crazy Joe 版權Crazy Joe 英文翻譯Crazy Joe 副標題Crazy Joe 預測Crazy Joe 預購Crazy Joe gifCrazy Joe kuboCrazy Joe kusoCrazy Joe legoCrazy Joe logoCrazy Joe myvideoCrazy Joe netflixCrazy Joe netflix台灣Crazy Joe 英文心得Crazy Joe bgmCrazy Joe cgCrazy Joe dailymotionCrazy Joe dcardCrazy Joe fridayCrazy Joe 豆瓣Crazy Joe 時光網Crazy Joe imaxCrazy Joe imax2dCrazy Joe imax3dCrazy Joe imax台北Crazy Joe imax訂票Crazy Joe imax高雄Crazy Joe imax場次Crazy Joe in89Crazy Joe ituneCrazy Joe 下載Crazy Joe 台詞Crazy Joe 拍攝地點Crazy Joe 威秀Crazy Joe btCrazy Joe cdCrazy Joe dvdCrazy Joe cosplayCrazy Joe onlineCrazy Joe 身世Crazy Joe 爆雷Crazy Joe 無雷
Crazy Joe-留言評分