@MDFF, John Waters又坐我後頭,但看到一半他就走了。。。喜歡敘事結構、貫穿全片的咀嚼聲與家庭影像。前面的特寫稍有些repetitive得無聊(雖然這可能是目的),但後頭弟弟自殘的特寫一下子就明亮了get到導演的手法了。非常不喜歡後頭反覆強調吃human flesh這一點,有點做作。porn的出現非常意外,不喜歡,但有趣。
Absolutely terrifying and cinematically exhilarating. The extreme close-ups with their grainy texture create an effect of human geography. The archival materials included are breathtaking, including two porns made with our very own protagonist. Might be the best film in 2017.
究竟是在對食人魔進行相對客觀的profiling,還是在對創作者自身印象里的食人魔進行profiling,這是首先需要搞清的問題;失焦特寫的創造性在何處,其效果是不是只止步於營造不安和恐懼,這是第二個問題;第三便是這種影像到底是不是在justify or legitimate his crime?而且還自以為是地挑戰觀眾。
MIFF with cody. Could tell the director was trying to make the film artistic but a lack of concern about how a film could potentially impact the subjects was upsetting, especially after numerous films were shot about one of them over the years.