想起127 Hours,Into the Wild, Frozen這類荒野求生電影,但這部Arctic拍得也太平靜了,仿佛很多是可以預測的二選一的結果,譬如在過程中人死沒死,懸崖上不上得去等等,然後最後結局基本上都是必然被救的大團圓,之後中間穿插一些希望與希望破滅的橋段。看完別的評論補一句:這叫「北歐的極簡主義」麼,哈哈。 20200426 @LTDP av. JH
A surprising survival film that explores well the white vastness of its inhospitable locations and understands the power of silence to tell a story about compassion without the need of unnecessary words.
Don't know why this film got me in tears. Mostly survival films are the same but different films manage to convey the survival spirit differently. This one is daring and endearing because it does not test the human nature just by solitude but by having someone in need. "You are not alone." Mikkelsen said this was his most difficult performance.
Malgré l'austérité qui aurait pu être un point fort, les péripéties légèrement trop programmées ne ressuscitent point la compassion, mais ridiculisent cette volonté de rédemption absolue.
全片寥寥的台詞,加上手錶計時器的報時聲,剩下你能聽到的只有寒風和男主的喘息聲。隔着屏幕也能感受的絕望和極寒。在墜機之後,男主活着更像是為了贖罪。一個幸福的家庭因他而結束。這就是為什麼男主一直重複着「l am sorry」。他原本可以呆在原地等待救援,但是每早醒來看到那張照片,和昏迷的女飛行員。內心的愧疚和自責便襲來。於是放棄坐以待斃,尋找救援。從這一刻,正片開始。直到最後搜救直升機抵達,男主從「we are here」,到最後抱着女飛行員哽咽「she’s right here」徹底淚崩了。是一部觸碰到我的電影,並非中規中矩。