斷斷續續看了很多天。很震撼,後半部是高潮。Oskar Schindler. No man is inherently good, not even him. 人性在片子裡被刻畫得淋漓盡致,最讓我欽佩的最能觸碰到我內心的,is that Schindler is no philanthropist。想到了就去做了,沒有更多了。PS Ralph Fiennes真心那時候帥得驚為天人啊……
The list is life. All around its margin lies the gulf. 片尾人們手牽手出現在地平線上 你仿佛能看到圍繞着他們的那片自由堅韌愈加輝煌的海灣. We are always so moved by the impossible connections. Liam Neeson+Ralph Fiennes簡直絕了 Ralph的眼睛啊! 一部畫面情節表演配樂無不偉大的作品
辛德勒名單,每一個名字都是一條生命,最後辛德勒的那一段話終於讓我忍不住了哭泣This car, Goethe would have bought this car. Why do I keep the car? Ten people by that, ten people, ten more people. This pin, two people. This is gold, two more people. He would have given me two for it,